
Knititation — 2 Comments

  1. Any chance you know where the word Knititation came from? I’m writing my thesis and can’t find a source to credit it to ;(

    (Thanks in advance!)

    • Hi, Jessica! Sorry for this late reply, but fixing up a house I recently moved into and arranging 2 wedding ceremonies have kept me busy lately. Unfortunately, I don’t know who first coined the term, “knititation.” At the risk of sounding immodest, I thought I came up with a cute title for my blog post by combining the words “knitting” and “meditation” until I Googled and saw that there were other websites that contain that exact term. Perhaps it’s a term created by multiple people who are not necessarily connected? One idea is to check the dates of different websites to see which one first uses “knititation,” but that still won’t tell us if the creators of that website were the ones to invent the term. I’m sorry I can’t be of much help, but I wish you the best with your thesis.

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